Collection of permutations operation functions.

void mxPermInv(Perm* px, Perm* out)
Invert permutation -- in situ.
void mxPermMulPerm(Perm* px1, Perm* px2, Perm* out)
Permutation multiplication (composition) -- not in-situ
void mxPermVec(Perm* px, Vec* vec, Vec* out)
Permute vector -- can be in-situ
void mxPermInvVec(Perm* px, Vec* x, Vec* out)
Apply the inverse of px to x, returning the result in out.
void mxTrPerm(Perm* px, int i1, int i2)
Transpose elements of permutation.
void mxPermColsMat(Perm* px, Mat* mat, Mat* out)
Permute columns of matrix A; out = Apx'.
void mxPermRowsMat(Perm* px, Mat* mat, Mat* out)
Permute rows of matrix A; out = pxA.


Collection of permutations operation functions. Based on the "Meschach Library", available at the anonymous ftp site in the directory pub/meschach.

David E. Stewart ( Zbigniew Leyk ( Ronan Collobert (

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