Torch Reference Manual
Table of Contents
General stuff
- Allocator Class do easily allocate/deallocate memory in Torch.
- Bagging This class represents a Trainer that implements the well-known Bagging algorithm (Breiman, 1996).
- BayesClassifier A multi class bayes classifier -- maximizes the likelihood of each class separately using a trainer for distribution.
- BayesClassifierMachine BayesClassifierMachine is the machine used by the BayesClassifier trainer to perform a Bayes Classification using different distributions.
- BeamSearchDecoder This class implements a Viterbi decoder with beam search capabilities.
- BoolCmdOption This class defines a bool command-line option.
- Boosting Boosting implementation.
- BoostingMeasurer Compute the classification weighted error (in %) for BoostingMachine of the inputs with respect to the targets of data.
- ClassFormat Used to define a class code.
- ClassFormatDataSet Given a DataSet, convert (on-the-fly) targets using a conversion table.
- ClassMeasurer Compute the classification error (in %) of the inputs with respect to the targets of data.
- ClassNLLCriterion This criterion can be used to train *in classification* a GradientMachine object using the StochasticGradient trainer.
- ClassNLLMeasurer This class measures the negative log likelihood.
- CmdLine This class provides a useful interface for the user, to easily read some arguments/options from the command-line.
- CmdOption This class defines an option for the command line.
- ConnectedMachine Easy connections between several GradientMachine.
- Criterion Criterion class for StochasticGradient.
- DataSet Provides an interface to manipulate all kind of data.
- DecoderBatchTest This class is used to decode a set of test files and display statistics and results for each file (ie.
- DecoderSingleTest This class is used to recognise a single input data file, post-process the recognition result and output the result.
- DecodingHMM This class contains all HMM information required for decoding.
- DecodingHypothesis This class contains all hypothesis data that needs to be updated and propagated as hypotheses are extended through word models and across word boundaries.
- DiagonalGMM This class can be used to model Diagonal Gaussian Mixture Models.
- DiskDataSet Provides an interface to manipulate all kind of data which are kept on disk, and not fully loaded in memory.
- DiskHTKDataSet Provides an interface to manipulate HTK data which are kept on disk, and not fully loaded in memory.
- DiskMatDataSet Matrix DataSet On Disk.
- DiskXFile A file on the disk.
- Distribution This class is designed to handle generative distribution models such as Gaussian Mixture Models and Hidden Markov Models.
- DotKernel DotProduct Kernel.
- EMTrainer This class is used to train any distribution using the EM algorithm.
- EditDistance This class can be used to compute the "edit distance" between two sequences.
- EditDistanceMeasurer This class can be used to measure and print an EditDistance object.
- ExampleFrameSelectorDataSet This dataset is empty at the begining.
- Exp Exponentiel layer for GradientMachine.
- FileListCmdOption This class take a file name in the command line, and reads a list of files contained in this file.
- FrameSeg This class keeps track of all information to compute errors at the frame level
- FrameSegMeasurer This class can be used to save the frame segmentation of a SimpleDecoderSpeechHMM in a file.
- FrameSelectorDataSet A dataset used to select some frames of another dataset.
- GaussianKernel Gaussian Kernel
- GradientMachine Gradient machine: machine which can be trained with a gradient descent.
- Grammar This class contains the grammar of accepted sentences for a speech recognition experiment such as the one using SimpleDecoderSpeechHMM A grammar is a transition table where each node is a word.
- HMM This class implements a Hidden Markov Model distribution.
- HTKDataSet This dataset can deal with the HTK format for features and targets.
- IOAscii Handles the standard Ascii sequence format in Torch.
- IOBin Handles the standard binary sequence format in Torch.
- IOBufferize This IO bufferizes the asked sequence of a given IO when calling getSequence().
- IOHTK Handles the standard binary sequence format in HTK.
- IOHTKTarget Handles the standard Ascii HTK targets/labels format in Torch.
- IOMulti This IO takes several IOSequence, and will act as if you had concatened all these IOSequence when calling getMatrix().
- IOSequence Class which provides an ensemble of sequences, which have the same frame size, but could have different number of frames.
- IOSequenceArray Load and save in an efficiently manner an array of sequences.
- IOSub IOSequence which does a selection of adjacent columns on another IOSequence, when calling getMatrix().
- InputsSelect Machine which select a block of adjacent inputs, and put them in the outputs.
- IntCmdOption This class defines a integer command-line option.
- KFold Provides an interface to sample data, for use by methods such as cross-validation
- KMeans This class can be used to do a "kmeans" on a given set of data.
- KNN This machine implements the K-nearest-neighbors (KNN) algorithm.
- Kernel General Kernel class.
- LMCache This class implements a rudimentary caching scheme for language model lookup.
- LMCacheEntry This class implements the internal entries within the LMCache class.
- LMInteriorLevelWordEntry This class is used internally within the language model n-gram data structures.
- LMInteriorLevelWordList
- LMNGram This class is the main class for N-gram language modelling.
- LanguageModel This object implements an n-gram language model.
- LexiconInfo This class stores information about how phonemes are assembled into pronunciations.
- Linear Linear layer for GradientMachine.
- LinearLexicon This class is essentially an array of DecodingHMM instances, representing the HMM's for each pronunciation we can recognise.
- LogMixer LogMixer useful for experts mixtures.
- LogRBF LogRBF layer for GradientMachine.
- LogSigmoid Log-Sigmoid layer for GradientMachine.
- LogSoftMax Log-SoftMax layer for GradientMachine.
- MAPDiagonalGMM This class is a special case of a DiagonalGMM that implements the MAP algorithm instead of the EM algorithm.
- MAPHMM This class is a special case of a HMM that implements the MAP algorithm for HMM transitions probabilities.
- MLP A Multi-Layer Perceptron.
- MSECriterion Mean Squared Error criterion.
- MSEMeasurer Mean Squared Error measurer.
- Machine Object which can compute some outputs, given some inputs.
- Mat Matrix object.
- MatDataSet Matrix DataSet.
- MeanVarNorm In the constructor, it computes the mean and the standard deviation over all the frames in the given DataSet (by default, only for inputs).
- Measurer Used to measure what you want during training/testing.
- MemoryDataSet DataSet where data is fully loaded in memory.
- MemoryXFile A file in the memory.
- Mixer Mixer useful for experts mixtures.
- MultiClassFormat Define the multi class encoding format.
- MultiCriterion MultiCriterion can be used to handle multiple criterions.
- Multinomial This class can be used to model Multinomial Distributions.
- NLLCriterion This criterion can be used to train Distribution object using the GMTrainer trainer.
- NLLMeasurer This class measures the negative log likelihood.
- NPTrainer Trainer for Non Parametric Machines.
- NullXFile NullXFile.
- Object Almost all classes in Torch should be a sub-class of this class.
- OneHotClassFormat Define the one hot class encoding format.
- OutputMeasurer Compute the outputification error (in %) of the inputs with respect to the targets of data.
- Parameters Parameters definition.
- ParzenDistribution This class can be used to model a Parzen density estimator with a Gaussian kernel:
- ParzenMachine This machine implements the Parzen Window estimator.
- Perm Permutation object.
- PhoneInfo This class contains the names of the phonemes that make up the words in the lexicon.
- PhoneModels
- PipeXFile A file in a pipe.
- PolynomialKernel Polynomial Kernel .
- PreProcessing This class is able to do pre-processing on examples in a DataSet.
- QCCache "Cache" used by the Quadratic Constrained Trainer (QCTrainer).
- QCMachine "Quadratic Constrained Machine".
- QCTrainer Train a QCMachine.
- Random Random class which contains several static random methods.
- RealCmdOption This class defines a real command-line option.
- SVM Support Vector Machine.
- SVMCache QCCache implementation for SVMs.
- SVMCacheClassification Cache for SVM classification.
- SVMCacheRegression Cache for SVM regression.
- SVMClassification SVM in classification.
- SVMRegression SVM in regression.
- SaturationMeasurer Measure the saturation of a GradientMachine.
- Sequence Sequence definition.
- Sigmoid Sigmoid layer for GradientMachine.
- SigmoidKernel Sigmoid Kernel
- SimpleDecoderSpeechHMM This class implements a special case of Hidden Markov Models that can be used to do connected word speech recognition for small vocabulary, using embedded training.
- SoftMax SoftMax layer for GradientMachine.
- SoftPlus SoftPlus layer for GradientMachine.
- SpatialConvolution Class for doing convolution over images.
- SpatialSubSampling Class for doing sub-sampling over images.
- SpeechHMM This class implements a special case of Hidden Markov Models that can be used to do connected word speech recognition for small vocabulary, using embedded training.
- SpeechMLP
- SpeechMLPDistr
- Stack This is an implementation of a "stack".
- StochasticGradient Trainer for GradientMachine.
- StringCmdOption This class defines a string command-line option.
- SumMachine This machine simply adds up its input vectors.
- TableLookupDistribution This class outputs one of the observations as the logProbability.
- Tanh Tanh layer for GradientMachine.
- TemporalConvolution Class for doing a convolution over a sequence.
- TemporalMean Given an input sequence, it does the mean over all input frames.
- TemporalSubSampling Class for doing sub-sampling over a sequence.
- TimeMeasurer Measure the time (in seconds) between two measureIteration() calls.
- Timer Timer.
- Trainer Trainer.
- TwoClassFormat Define the two class encoding format.
- Vec Vector object.
- Vocabulary This object contains the list of words we want our recogniser to recognise plus a few "special" words (eg.
- WeightedMSECriterion Similar to MSECriterion, but you can put a weight on each example.
- WeightedSumMachine Weighted-sum machine.
- WordChainElemPool This class is a pool of pre-allocated WordChainElem structures.
- WordSeg This class keeps track of all information to compute word errors
- WordSegMeasurer This class can be used to save the word segmentation of a SimpleDecoderSpeechHMM in a file.
- XFile XFile.
- max The max function
- min The min function
The Ultimate Machine Learning Library.
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