"Cache" used by the Quadratic Constrained Trainer (QCTrainer).
Public Methods
virtual real* adressCache(int index) = 0
- Returns the adress of the row/column index for the Q matrix
virtual void allocate() = 0
- Allocate the cache
virtual void clear() = 0
- Erase the cache (but don't destroy it)
virtual void destroy() = 0
- Destroy the cache
virtual void setActiveVariables(int* active_var_, int n_active_var_) = 0
- Set the active variables to be those contained in active_var.
Inherited from Object:
Public Fields
Allocator* allocator
Public Methods
void addOption(const char* name, int size, void* ptr, const char* help="")
void addIOption(const char* name, int* ptr, int init_value, const char* help="")
void addROption(const char* name, real* ptr, real init_value, const char* help="")
void addBOption(const char* name, bool* ptr, bool init_value, const char* help="")
void addOOption(const char* name, Object** ptr, Object* init_value, const char* help="")
void setOption(const char* name, void* ptr)
void setIOption(const char* name, int option)
void setROption(const char* name, real option)
void setBOption(const char* name, bool option)
void setOOption(const char* name, Object* option)
virtual void loadXFile(XFile* file)
virtual void saveXFile(XFile* file)
void load(const char* filename)
void save(const char* filename)
void* operator new(size_t size, Allocator* allocator_=NULL)
void* operator new(size_t size, Allocator* allocator_, void* ptr_)
void operator delete(void* ptr)
"Cache" used by the Quadratic Constrained Trainer (QCTrainer).
This class provides the Q (symetric) matrix of the
quadratic problem.
virtual real* adressCache(int index) = 0
- Returns the adress of the row/column index for the Q matrix
virtual void allocate() = 0
- Allocate the cache
virtual void clear() = 0
- Erase the cache (but don't destroy it)
virtual void destroy() = 0
- Destroy the cache
virtual void setActiveVariables(int* active_var_, int n_active_var_) = 0
- Set the active variables to be those contained in active_var.
The number of active variable is given by n_active_var_.
(It's usefull for some problems)
- See Also:
- QCMachine
- Direct child classes:
- SVMCache
- Author:
- Ronan Collobert (collober@idiap.ch)
- See Also:
- QCTrainer
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