General Kernel class.
Public Methods
virtual real eval(Sequence* x, Sequence* y) = 0
- Compute kernel between the example x and y
Inherited from Object:
Public Fields
Allocator* allocator
Public Methods
void addOption(const char* name, int size, void* ptr, const char* help="")
void addIOption(const char* name, int* ptr, int init_value, const char* help="")
void addROption(const char* name, real* ptr, real init_value, const char* help="")
void addBOption(const char* name, bool* ptr, bool init_value, const char* help="")
void addOOption(const char* name, Object** ptr, Object* init_value, const char* help="")
void setOption(const char* name, void* ptr)
void setIOption(const char* name, int option)
void setROption(const char* name, real option)
void setBOption(const char* name, bool option)
void setOOption(const char* name, Object* option)
virtual void loadXFile(XFile* file)
virtual void saveXFile(XFile* file)
void load(const char* filename)
void save(const char* filename)
void* operator new(size_t size, Allocator* allocator_=NULL)
void* operator new(size_t size, Allocator* allocator_, void* ptr_)
void operator delete(void* ptr)
General Kernel class.
Kernels are applied on two sequences with the method eval().
Actually, usual kernels (given here) don't use sequences,
but the first frame of each sequences...
virtual real eval(Sequence* x, Sequence* y) = 0
- Compute kernel between the example x and y
- Direct child classes:
- SigmoidKernel
- Author:
- Ronan Collobert (
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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