Sequence definition.
Public Fields
int n_real_frames
- Real number of frames
real** frames
- Array of usable frame pointers.
int n_frames
- Number of visible frames
int frame_size
- Frame size
Public Methods
- Create an empty sequence
Sequence(real** frames_, int n_frames_, int frame_size_)
- Create a sequences of n_frames_ frames with size frame_size_.
Sequence(int n_frames_, int frame_size_)
- Create a sequence with n_frames_ standard frames of size frame_size
void resize(int n_frames_, bool allocate_new_frames=true)
- Resize the sequence to n_frames_.
void addFrame(real* frame, bool do_copy=false)
- Add a frame at the end of the Sequence.
void add(Sequence* sequence, bool do_copy=false)
- Add a sequence at the end of the Sequence.
void copy(Sequence* from)
- Copy the given sequence.
void copyFrom(real* vec)
- Copy a real vector in the full sequence.
void copyTo(real* vec)
- Copy the full sequence in a real vector.
virtual int getSequenceSpace()
- Get the space needed to allocate one Sequence
virtual int getFramesSpace()
- Get the space needed to allocate frames contained in the sequence
virtual Sequence* clone(Allocator* allocator_=NULL, void* sequence_memory=NULL, void* frames_memory=NULL)
- Clone the sequence.
virtual void saveXFile(XFile* file)
- Save the usable frames.
virtual void loadXFile(XFile* file)
- Load the usable frames.
Inherited from Object:
Public Fields
Allocator* allocator
Public Methods
void addOption(const char* name, int size, void* ptr, const char* help="")
void addIOption(const char* name, int* ptr, int init_value, const char* help="")
void addROption(const char* name, real* ptr, real init_value, const char* help="")
void addBOption(const char* name, bool* ptr, bool init_value, const char* help="")
void addOOption(const char* name, Object** ptr, Object* init_value, const char* help="")
void setOption(const char* name, void* ptr)
void setIOption(const char* name, int option)
void setROption(const char* name, real option)
void setBOption(const char* name, bool option)
void setOOption(const char* name, Object* option)
void load(const char* filename)
void save(const char* filename)
void* operator new(size_t size, Allocator* allocator_=NULL)
void* operator new(size_t size, Allocator* allocator_, void* ptr_)
void operator delete(void* ptr)
Sequence definition.
A sequence is a set of frames (that is, a vector) which have the same size.
int n_real_frames
- Real number of frames
real** frames
- Array of usable frame pointers.
The actual size of this array is given by n_real_frames.
And the usable size is given by n_frames.
int n_frames
- Number of visible frames
int frame_size
- Frame size
- Create an empty sequence
Sequence(real** frames_, int n_frames_, int frame_size_)
- Create a sequences of n_frames_ frames with size frame_size_.
The frames are given by the frames_ array.
Nothing (except pointers!) will be copied.
Sequence(int n_frames_, int frame_size_)
- Create a sequence with n_frames_ standard frames
of size frame_size
void resize(int n_frames_, bool allocate_new_frames=true)
- Resize the sequence to n_frames_. Note that if n_frames_ is lower
than the previous one, the frames won't be deallocated, and can be retrieved
by another resize...
void addFrame(real* frame, bool do_copy=false)
- Add a frame at the end of the Sequence.
If do_copy is true, copy the sequence.
Else, just copy the pointer.
void add(Sequence* sequence, bool do_copy=false)
- Add a sequence at the end of the Sequence.
If do_copy is true, copy the frame contents.
Else, just copy the frame pointers.
void copy(Sequence* from)
- Copy the given sequence.
The given sequence don't need to have the same structure.
But it must have the same total length.
void copyFrom(real* vec)
- Copy a real vector in the full sequence.
The sequence must have the good size!
void copyTo(real* vec)
- Copy the full sequence in a real vector.
The sequence must have the good size!
virtual int getSequenceSpace()
- Get the space needed to allocate one Sequence
virtual int getFramesSpace()
- Get the space needed to allocate frames contained in the sequence
virtual Sequence* clone(Allocator* allocator_=NULL, void* sequence_memory=NULL, void* frames_memory=NULL)
- Clone the sequence.
If allocator_ is non-null, call it for all memory allocation and object initialization.
Else, the returned sequence will be destroyed when the original sequence will be destroyed.
If sequence_memory is non-null, puts the class memory-space in it; it must contain
the space given by getSequenceSpace().
If frames_memory is non-null, use the given memory for frames allocation; it must contain
the space given by getFramesSpace().
virtual void saveXFile(XFile* file)
- Save the usable frames. (n_frames available in frames).
virtual void loadXFile(XFile* file)
- Load the usable frames. (n_frames available in frames).
- This class has no child classes.
- Author:
- Ronan Collobert (
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